- 在一种特殊情形下,得到熟知的Jeans公式; In a special case, the well-known Jeans formula is obtained;
- 我今天穿jeans(牛仔裤)上班,他今天穿有点像睡衣的样子上班。 I may wear jeans at work, while the guy beside me may wear a pyjama-like suit.
- 他浑身上下全是blue paint. he looks like a blue animal.
- 现在每个人都要有不一样,我今天穿jeans(牛仔裤)上班,他今天穿有点像睡衣的样子上班。 But today everybody tries to be a different self. I may wear jeans at work,while the guy beside me may wear a pyjama-like suit.
- 第六天morning, Blue wolf心想: Now, I am the king of wolves
- 老兄'old chap' (form of address between male friends)
- 广义最小二乘估计为BLUE的若干条件 Some Conditions which Generalized Least Squares Estimator is BLUE
- 她碰到一个old man. The old man has a lot of donkeys.
- 魔鬼俗称Old Nick. The Devil is vulgarly referred to as 'Old Nick'.
- 右击该新的“Blue”文件夹,再单击“添加新项”。 Right-click the new Blue folder, and then click Add New Item.
- 在词组old man中,old修饰man "old" modifies "man" in old man
- 此外注意'blue'和'green'的值在两个数组中是不同的。 Also notice that the values for the keys 'blue' and 'green' differ between the two arrays.
- 喂 ,是old Country Inn吗? Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn?
- IBM Blue Pacific是高端超级计算机的一个恰当例子。 The IBM Blue Pacific is a good example of the high end of supercomputers.
- old lady (俗称英格兰银行) 老妇人
- 嗯 ,等一等。Old Country Inn? Uh hold it. Old Country Inn?
- 在解决方案资源管理器中,再次右击该新的“Blue”文件夹,然后单击“添加新项”。 In Solution Explorer, right-click the new Blue folder again, and then click Add New Item.
- 字串years old是一个字串文字。 The string years old is a string literal.
- 本函数返回一个具有red,green,blue和alpha的键名的关联数组,包含了指定颜色索引的相应的值。 This returns an associative array with red, green, blue and alpha keys that contain the appropriate values for the specified color index.
- 就冲上前去指着old man's nose说: Old man, give me your snake.